
All items listed in the categories below are specially priced. Midwest Gun Works buyers are constantly on the lookout for the best deals so we can pass those savings down to you!! Here you will find all of our closeout, clearance, sale and best selling items. Please come back often as we are constantly updating our inventory! Please Note: All items in this category are available for online purchase only, and are not available for return.

Caldwell Bench Bag, Elbow Bag (Filled)
Caldwell Pistolero Handgun Rest
Caldwell Zeromax Shooting Rest
Caldwell DeadShot Front Shooting Rest (Filled)

Caldwell DeadShot Front Shooting Rest (Filled)


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Caldwell Rock Deluxe Front Rest
Caldwell Rock Shooting Rest Combo
Caldwell Rock Jr.

Caldwell Rock Jr.


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